Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's been a long week

Monday was ok, then things got a bit difficult. My husband hasn't been feeling well and so I called his doctor to make a appointment to bring him in and after talking to the doctor, I was told get him to the ER now.
We went on in and found out that he was having and had been having small heart attacks! Well the hospital admited him for a further testing and he ended up in the cath lab for a electrical study of his heart, that came out good. They sent him home wed night and I thought ok, he will be good just needs time to heal and give his new blood pressure meds time to do their job.
I was wrong, he woke up at 6am, unable to talk clearly to me and had lost feeling on his left side, so I call 911 and back to the hospital we went, found out during the nite he had a TIA stroke. He is home now and getting better, with physical therapy and time he will gain back his strength on the left side.
We do have to be even more careful since now he could have more of the TIA strokes or a full blown stroke.
We are just taking each day as it comes and enjoying it. You just never know what is around the next corner.