Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The "new" Veca mobile

Well, as much as we wanted the HHR, with the economy as it stands, we chose to buy a used truck from my cousin. I really do love it and having wheels again is nice. Ours is white with all the goodies.

With Tony's recent health issues, we started looking for an apartment that is not a townhome. We found one and I love the neighborhood, what is even better, our new home is right behind the ward building and that makes me really happy.

We have a great park in our new neighborhood which will be great for our evening walks and not too much a drive to my office or the library when i need to do research for school.

Halloween was quiet and Thanksgiving was fun, we drove to LA to spend the holiday with Tony's father and step-mother. I miss the big family gatherings, but since grandpa passed back thru the veil, the family only gets together at Christmas, so I am really looking forward to then.