Friday, February 20, 2009

Spring is coming soon

Well, my son is now 18 and ready to graduate from high school. Hard to believe this little guy is all grown up into a strong young man ready to enter the adult world.

Things have changed over the last 18 years, some good, some difficult but in the end they were for the best. I am so happy to be moved back to California, I missed the nice calm weather, well when you compare it to LA and WA weather this is calm.

Well had a great time last Friday celebrating my cousin Wyatt's 8th birthday and enjoy holding the newest addition to the family, Mindy's first granddaughter, baby Kia. It is so wonderful to see my grandmother holding baby Kia...the oldest and the youngest in our family.

We are settling into the new house, love our cute little condo! Now to get some painting done and get it decorated. Tony put up my cutains in the living room for me and I have most of the boxes unpacked, little by little, I am getting them unpacked and finding a place for everything. Still on the lookout for a nice buffet and hutch for the extra storage and a place to put my pretty dishes and such.

Tony is in physical therapy for his hands, getting better but still not able to straighten his ring finger where the doctor did the sugery. We go see him in march to see what has to be done next.

Well, I have things to get done and we meet with the Priest later next week to prepare for our renewal ceramony next year, have lots of planning for that and already found my dress; now to get it ordered!