Saturday, May 1, 2010

In My Rose Garden

In my Rose Garden of memories
I see you standing there
An angel in disguise
Who taught me how to care
I long to hear your voice
for real not in my dreams
I am missing you so much
how empty my world seems
People say time heals all wounds
that someday the pain will subside
But Grandma I can tell you
I think they must have lied
The emptiness I am feeling now
is strong and I am weak
These days go by without you
so deary and so bleak
In my Rose Garden of memories
I know you'll always be
for though your're gone
from this mortal world
In my heart you'll always be

If Grandma had a meaning
I'll tell you what it'd be
if you were close to yours
like mine was close to me

Grandmas are always there
to lend a shoulder and dry your tears
to comfort you in everything
and help conquer all your fears

Despite all the wrong you've done
and all the wrong you'll do
a grandma will always be there
and unconditionally will love you

A grandma will inspire you
to follow your every dream
she tells you "you wont be alone"
because you're going to be a team

Grandmas are always busy
although their hearts are tame
they tell everyone about you
so everyone knows your name

Grandmas will keep everything
from when you're young till now
and when you dance on Broadway
for her you'll take a bow

Without grandmas we'd be lost
and our tears would not be dry
and we would not be encouraged
to spread our wings and fly

To my grandma I say "Thank you"
My heart will always be
with you every day, and I know
you're here with me.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Well a year ago I entered the RCIA program in our parish to complete something I have been wanting to do with my life. Ever since I married my husband I would attend Mass with him on Easter and Christmas but never anything more. After his heart attack and stroke I knew it was time to complete something that has been tugging at my heart for year's. I will be baptized, confirmed and take Eucharist for the first time at the Easter Vigil this April. I love my faith, finally in a good place in my life-moved back home with my family, married a wonderful strong man, completed a huge goal and loving life.

Grandma Rachel

Well, it has been a while since I last posted but I have been dealing with the recent loss of my precious Grandmother. I miss her but I am grateful that I got to be with her in her final days and learn just how amazing she is and the depth of her love for me.
She taught me many things growing up but the biggest lesson is the love of family and God's love for me. I only hope I am able to pass that on to my own grandchildren.